Thursday, January 5, 2012

What I've Learned...

Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukkah/Happy Kwanzaa/Happy New Year! Wishing everyone a wonderful 2012 filed with everything your hearts desire.

I've had a nice winter break...relaxing mixed with seeing family, friends, and a little trip to New York. This was my second time in the city, and what else would three scientists-in-training do but visit the American Museum of Natural History? This was my second visit to the museum, and my second visit to the Ocean Hall, but it was so much fun with my friends. Nothing says marine biology like two grown women crawling on the floor to play with the interactive tree of aquatic vertebrates.

I didn't complete my usual trip to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, but I did visit the zoo today. I honestly don't remember the last time I've been there, and this was the perfect time to go with the lack of tourists. Of course, my first stop was at the Invertebrate House to see the new octopus and made my way to other areas such as the Big Cat area and the Asia Trail. So overall, what have I learned?

1. While organisms like sponges lack a nervous system, they still have intracellular communication (courtesy of AMNH)
2. Snapping shrimp are larger than I thought they were (courtesy of zoo)
3. Sapping shrimp do not mess around! I could hear the popping loudly through the aquarium glass (courtesy of zoo)

I'm gonna count those as my facts of the post and leave a couple of pictures from the zoo.

How rude!
Say hello to Pandora!

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