Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Geostrophy Rules!

A million things on my mind to share:

1. I've been wanting to put together a list of possible conferences to attend, but I'm now realizing that there isn't a quick list to look up all the possible societies in marine science. I've found a couple, but I'm wondering if there's more out there. If anyone has a list or knows of any groups relevent to estuarine/shellfish/toxicology work, send it my way please!

2. My program has a mentor program where incoming students are paired with current students to help transition into the program. I have an incoming first year who also went to school in FL. I'm honestly really excited for a new batch of students. I'm looking forward to being the person who will watch them frantically study and can assure them that they will survive :)

3. Currently studying for orals. I'm starting to bounce back and forth between confident and "about to snap". I'm aiming to hold mock orals with older students next week, so we'll see how that goes :/

4. In addition to my friends and studying, I have a new relationship :D It's been almost a month, and I'm hoping it'll last a long while.

5. I'm officially done with my TAship! No more undergrads for me, I'm moving into the lab!
 P.S. Obviously passed this past semester :)

I believe that's all for now. I really need to do a better job of keeping up with this blog. Until next time, here's a tree of the major animal phyla. Yes, this is something I'm supposed to know.