Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bahhhh Jellies!

One final down, one (take home) to go. I was discussing this with a friend yesterday, but I wish my particular institution had a more...formal way of celebrating the end of the year. At my undergrad institution, there was a midnight breakfast and a dance party in the library among other things. Anyways...

My orals have been officially scheduled for June 6. I haven't thought about it yet due to the previously mentioned take home final, but I'm feeling confident that I'll be well-prepared. It was comforting to go over possible topics with my advisor and realize that I've learned everything at one point - it's just a matter of refreshing my memory.

For some fun marine science, Look what's been washing up on the beach! Cannonball jellies!

Now, I openly admit that I'm not a fan of jellies. I hate the idea of something causing so much pain without the awareness to think "Hey, there's something in my way; I'll move away". Although I can't lie, I really wanted to pick one up.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

At the end...

Welp, here we go. Somehow within the tests and assignments, late night outs, and Spring Break, I've failed to realize until this week that my semester ends this month :/ That's exciting, yet scary at the same time. Luckily, I've gotten a lot of things out of the way, so all I have to focus on until finals are presentations for both of my classes. But then there's finals....and then orals....and then starting my thesis project....I want to complete my orals next month, but the thought is terrifying me. I mean honestly, would you want to stand in front of your committee being grilled on marine biology for over an hour? But that's what I signed up for. Everyone that I've personally seen go through the process has passed with flying colors (who came up with that phrase anyways? Flying colors?) so I have to convince myself that I'll succeed too!

My thesis presentation went well. Not to brag, but I'm usually pretty good with presentations. I practice, I know not to sit there and read my PowerPoint, I keep my slides simple, I look people in the eye and speak clearly. Not this time. I had other things going on in the same week, so I was severely unprepared and it showed. But people still said I did well, and it's over, so I can't complain too much.

I'm still in the process of completing my official committee form and will then set up orals. Let the fun begin!

Speaking of fun...Oceanography lab cruise!